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What is a pip calculator?

Our Pip Calculator tool displays the value per pip in your account’s base currency for all major currency pairs in various lot sizes.

How do I convert pip value to currency?

Depending on your account base currency, you would need to convert the pip value accordingly. Pip Value = (1 pip / Quote Currency Exchange Rate to Account Currency) * Lot size in units For example, the pip value of EURUSD is $10 per pip with a standard lot size and a USD account: Pip Value = (0.0001 / 1)*100000 = $10.

How does AXI Pip calculator work?

How does our pip calculator work? To calculate the value of a pip, the Axi pip calculator multiplies one pip (usually 0.0001) by the trade size (in lots), and dividing this by the real-time market rate of forex pair. The pip size is 1, that is, one pip is one AUD of the AUS200 price.

What is a pip in forex?

That's why it's called Advantage. 'Pip' stands for 'point in percentage' and measures the movement in the exchange rate between the two currencies. So, how do I find a pip? Here's how... In most forex currency pairs, one pip is on the 4th decimal place of the Forex pair (0.0001), meaning it's equivalent to 1/100 of 1%.

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